- .Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Ontology Meta-Matching Technique:IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,2023
- .Similarity Feature Construction For Matching Ontologies Through Adaptively Aggregating Artificial Neural Networks:Mathematics,2023
- .A Hybrid Cross Layer with Harris-Hawk-Optimization-based Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks:Symmetry-Basel,2023
- .Design and Performance Analysis of 32 x 32 Memory array SRAM for Low-Power Applications:Electronics,2023
- .Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Lateral Confinement Coefficient of CFRP-wrapped RC Columns:Symmetry-Basel,2023
- .On Cohesive Fuzzy Set, Operations and Properties with Applications in Electromagnetic Signals and Solar Activities:Symmetry-Basel,2023
- .Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Transformation for Lossless Big Medical Image Compression:Bioengineering-Basel,2023
- .Design and analysis of a Deep Learning Ensemble Framework Model for the Detection of COVID-19 and Pneumonia using Large-scale CT Scan and X-Ray Image Datasets:Bioengineering-Basel,2023
- .基于进化算法的生物医学本体匹配技术:重庆大学学报,2023
- .Studying the Influence of Tourism Flow on Foreign Exchange Rate by IABC and Time-Series Models:Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2017