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Xingsi Xue

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Administrative Position:福建理工大学 智能信息处理研究中心 主任

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Business Address:福建理工大学北校区 C4-216

Contact Information:E-mail: jack8375@gmail.com, xue.xingsi@fjut.edu.cn, xxs@fjut.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral degree


Academic Titles:中国计算机学会 福州分部 秘书长

Alma Mater:西安电子科技大学

Discipline:Computer science and technology

Honors and Titles:

ACM中国新星奖 The Tenth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC 2016), Excellent Paper Award


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Current position: Home >> Awards and Honours
International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Technologies and Applications (AMLTA 2021) Best paper Award

Release time:2021-06-12    Hits:

Title of Achievement:Matching Ontologies Through Evolutionary Algorithm With Context-based Reasoning

Affiliation of Participants:计算机科学与数学学院

Order of Affiliations of Authors:第1单位

Granted by:AMLTA 2021主办方

Supported by:省、自治区、直辖市科技项目

Note:2021.06.10 通过。学术会议优秀论文奖

School Sign:第一单位

Type of Outcome:Thesis

Level of Award:其它

Grade of Award:Other awards

Type of Award:其他

Date of Award:2021-05-09

Number of Participants:3