Paper Publications
- .Experimental and numerical study of hooked-end steel fiber-reinforced concrete based on the meso- and macro-models:Compsite structures,2023
- .Assessment of Diagonal Macrocrack-Induced Debonding Mechanisms in FRP-Strengthened RC Beams:Journal of Composites for Construction,2022
- .Three-dimensional numerical investigation of mixed-mode debonding of FRP-concrete interface using a cohesive zone model:CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2022
- .Experimental study on circular steel tube-confined reinforced UHPC columns under axial loading:Engineering Structures,2020
- .Flexural behavior of SFRC-NC composite beams: An experimental and numerical analytical study:Structures,2024
- .Mixed-Mode Debonding in CFRP-to-Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Joints:JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES FOR CONSTRUCTION,2024
- .Experimental and numerical study of concrete fracture behavior with multiple cracks based on the meso-model:Materials,2023
- .Experimental and numerical analysis of the ribbed reinforced concrete fracture behavior based on the mesoscale FE model:International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials,2023
- .Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Behavior of Beam-Column Connections with Reinforced Side Plates:METALS,2022
- .Property Assessment of High-Performance Concrete Containing Three Types of Fibers:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS,2021