ChiaHung Wang
Associate professor

Alma Mater:National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Honors and Titles:

1. Awardee of Excellent Young Role Models from Tainan County, Taiwan 2. Leading Scientists of the World 2009 3. Who's Who in the World 2013-2021 4. Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2016-2017 5. Who's Who in Asia 2017-2018 6. 福建省福州市台湾人才库成员 7. 中国海外杰青汇中华交流团(CSP)成员 8. 福建工程学院「本科优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师奖」

MOBILE Version

Research Group

Current position: HomePage of Prof. Chia-Hung Wang, Ph.D. >Research Group

Shumeng Chen

Release time:2022-07-06

Name of Research Group:Data Science and Operations Research

Description of Research Group:Prof. Wang is an expert in operations research, applied mathematics, information systems, queueing systems, artificial intelligence, intelligent computing, operation management, and data science. He has been involved in several collaborative projects with international professionals, including the modeling and analysis of security-check queues, the management mechanisms for service systems, and the design of management schemes on communication networks, etc. These research works have already been published in over 70 refereed journals and conference proceedings, including Management Science, Soft Computing, Computers & Operations Research, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Mathematics, IEEE ACCESS, Energies, Journal of Network Intelligence, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, and so on.

Team members Introduction:

Master Graduate at Transportation Engineering, Class of Year 2020-2023


1. Chia-Hung Wang*, Shumeng Chen, Qigen Zhao, and Yifan Suo (2023), 

An Efficient End-to-End Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning Algorithm for Intelligent Vehicles Based on Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm, 

Mathematics, Vol. 11, No. 8: 1800, 2023.   (SCI)

2. Qigen Zhao, Chia-Hung Wang*, Zhenyu Dong, Shumeng Chen, Qipeng Yang, and Yi Wei (2021), 

A Matrix-Analytic Solution to Three-Level Multi-Server Queueing Model with a Shared Finite Buffer. 

In: Chu S.C., Lin J.C.W., Li J., Pan J.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC2021), 

Jilin, China, October 21-23, 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 833, pp. 690-699, Springer, Singapore, 2022. 

DOI:  (EI)

3. Shumeng Chen, Chia-Hung Wang*, Zhenyu Dong, Qigen Zhao, Qipeng Yang, Yi Wei, and Guoshu Huang (2021), 

Performance Evaluation of Three Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning. 

In: Chu S.C., Lin J.C.W., Li J., Pan J.S. (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC2021), 

Jilin, China, October 21-23, 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 833, pp. 60-69, Springer, Singapore, 2022. 

DOI:  (EI)

4. Zhenyu Dong, Chia-Hung Wang*, Qigen Zhao, Yi Wei, Shumeng Chen, and Qipeng Yang (2021), 

A Study on Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Capacity Allocation of Production Networks. 

In: Jia Y., Zhang W., Fu Y., Yu Z., Zheng S. (eds), Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference (CISC2021), 

Fuzhou, China, October 16-17, 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 804, pp. 734-743, Springer, Singapore, 2022. 

DOI:  (EI)

5. Qingpeng Yang, Chia-Hung Wang, Thi-Kien Dao, Trong-The Nguyen*, Qigen Zhao, Shumeng Chen (2024), 

An Optimal Wind Turbine Control Based on Improved Chaotic Sparrow Search Algorithm with Normal Cloud Model, 

Journal of Network Intelligence, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 108-125.  (EI)


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