Paper Publications
- .A Novel Activity Recognition System for Alternative Control Strategies of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot:Applied Sciences,2019:1-19
- .康复训练机器人造型与交互界面设计研究:福建工程学院学报,2019,17(1):62-64
- .超声电机检测竹片缺边装置设计与试验:林业科学,2018,54(4):134-141
- .挖掘机齿轮箱动态特性的实验与仿真分析:机械传动,2018
- .加工中心主轴部件的有限元分析及其验证:福建工程学院学报,2013
- .负压爬壁机器人吸附系统研究:中国机械工程,2012
- .As cast microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–6Al–1Zn–0.7Si magnesium alloys modified by Sn and Sr additions: International Journal of Cast Metals Research,2012
- .Effects of Zr addition on as cast microstructure, tensile and creep properties of Mg–3.8Zn–2.2Ca magnesium alloy:International Journal of Cast Metals Research,2012
- .Water Lubricated Mechanism Based on Multilevel Method:Applied Mechanics and Materials,2011
- .The Optimal Selection of Processing Path Based on Genetic Algorithm for the Manufacturing Process in Machine Industry:ICMIT2005:Information Systems and Signal Plocessing,2005