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Hongxiang Chen

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Associate professor  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

L.A. Ma, W.Z. Lai, Z.H. Wei, Y. Bin Chen, H.X. Chen, Highly efficient field emission from aligned ZnO/TiN core-shell nanorods, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 103 (2020) 4742–4747.


Translation or Not:no

Pre One:L. Chen, C. Cao, H. Chen, J. Guo, J. Ma, J. Hu, G. Wang, Miscibility gap and possible intrinsic Griffiths phase in Sr(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 crystals grown by transition metal arsenide flux, Phys. Rev. B. 103 (2021) 134509.

Next One:L.A. Ma, W.Z. Lai, Z.H. Wei, Y.B. Chen, L. Sun, X.Y. Ye, H.X. Chen, Q.T. Wang, Synthesis, structure and optimized field emission properties of highly oriented ZnO/Pt core-shell nanorods on a Zn substrate, CrystEngComm. 22 (2020) 4630–4639.