
Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

MORE> Recommended Ph.D.Supervisor
Language: 中文


Professor Hu Rong: Graduate supervisor, Key Laboratory of Automotive Electronics in Fujian Province, Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Application in Fujian Province,

who hosted and participated in nearly 20 national and provincial-level scientific research projects, authorized 26 invention patents, and published over 30 SCI and EI journal papers as first author or corresponding author. Received 2 provincial-level teaching awards.

Research directions: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data Mining, Intelligent Transportation;

Overseas Experience: 2017-2018 Dynamic Transportation Laboratory at the University of Arizona, USA, Visited for 1 year

August 2015 Bilingual teaching and learning at the University of Warwick in the UK

June 2015 International Academic Conference Paper Exchange at the University of Ostrafa, Czech Republic


Dr. Hu Rong's main research direction is deep learning models and their applications. She has extensive research experience in this field and is skilled in applying deep learning techniques to practical problems, such as image processing, natural language processing, and medical diagnosis. Dr. Hu's research work has not only innovated in theory, but also achieved significant results in application. Her research findings have been published in multiple top international conferences and journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeuroIPS), and Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).

Research topic and paper publication:

Dr. Hu has presided over and participated in multiple national and provincial research projects, including but not limited to:

National Natural Science Foundation of China project: "Medical Image Processing and Analysis Based on Deep Learning".

Key project of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology: "Research on Deep Learning Processing Technology for Large Scale Image Data".

During the research process of these topics, Dr. Hu led his team to achieve fruitful achievements and published multiple highly influential papers, such as:

"Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation: A Survey" - published in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

Attention based Mechanisms for Image Classification - Published at the Neuro IPS conference.

"A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Real time Object Detection" - Presented at the CVPR conference.

Guiding student performance:

As of June 1, 2024, Dr. Hu Rong has trained 19 master's students and currently has 12 graduate students. Under her guidance, students have achieved significant achievements in academic research and practical applications:

Wu Zhongying won the Excellent Master's Thesis Award at the university level in 2022, and his research work has had a significant impact in the field.

Chen Zejian: In 2024, he was awarded the Title of Outstanding Graduate Student at the school level, demonstrating outstanding research abilities and potential.

Yan Peixin: Received the 2024 Excellent Graduate Thesis Award at the university level, and his research achievements have been highly praised in both academy and industry.

Dr. Hu Rong focuses on cultivating students' innovation ability and practical skills, advocates the combination of theory and practice, and encourages students to continuously explore and innovate in the process of participating in scientific research projects. She provides students with abundant research resources and academic exchange opportunities, helping them enhance their academic perspectives and research abilities.

Under the guidance of Dr. Hu, many students continue to pursue doctoral degrees or engage in high-level scientific research in related fields after graduation, achieving remarkable results.

Dr. Hu Rong has become an important mentor in the field of deep learning research and application, thanks to her outstanding research in the field and successful experience in guiding students. Her students have achieved significant results in both academic and professional careers, reflecting her ability and commitment to cultivating high-quality research talents. If you are interested in deep learning and its application research, Dr. Hu Rong will be a trusted mentor on your research journey.


Display of employment information for some outstanding graduates:

Xu Weihui

Du Congliu, Junior Division of Power System Analysis and Research, Tibet Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid

Xiang Yunjie Doctor of Computational Linguistics, Tibet University

Li Cheng, Algorithm Engineer of Hunan Xiangneng Intelligent Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd

The third level unit of Hanyu Datang Group, Jiangsu Datang International Rugao Thermal Power Co., Ltd., serves as the operation inspection of the power generation department

Dr. Wu Zhongying from Hainan University

Educational Experience

  • 2009.2-2014.1  

    Nanjing University of Technology       Computer science and technology       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctoral degree

  • 2003.9-2006.6  

    Changsha University of Technology       Engineering       With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates       Master's degree

  • 1996.9-2000.12  

    National University of Defense Technology       Computer science and technology       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's degree

Work Experience

  • 2013.6-Now

    Fujian University of Technology      计算机科学与数学学院      教授      教授

  • 2006.7-2013.6

    Changsha University of Aeronautics and Astronautics      信息管理      副教授      associate professor

  • 1996.9-2003.9

    Yiyang Radio and Television University      Department of Computer      lecturer

Research Group

Name of Research Group:


Description of Research Group:

团队成员长期致力于模式识别、深度学习、图像处理和交通数据挖掘等研究工作,所在福建省大数据挖掘与应用技术重点实验室(福建工程学院)(Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Applications(Fujian University of Technology))拥有300余平方米的专用机房的云计算中心,HP、Dell刀片式服务器共50余台,CPU计算资源达1365GHz,内存合计2600G;IBM、HP、Dell存储系统共4套,共计250T存储空间。同时,购买了VMWare vSphere、H3C CAS、ESRI ArcGIS、Pivotal Gemfire等业内主流软件,具备良好的研发环境。

许志宇,男,福建工程学院台籍教授,博士,博导。主要研究方向,人工智能、类神经网路、基因算法、牙齿影像处理、医学影像与讯号处理、图像识别、偏微分方程在数位影像之应用、富氏分析与 Wavelet 转换在讯号处理之应用、偏微分与富利叶基础之影像处理、小波(wavelet)转换、统计独立成分分析等。担任IEEE ACCESS副主编,发表SCI论文20多篇,发明专利10多件。
李佐勇,1980年8月出生,博士,教授,福建省信息处理与智能控制重点实验室常务副主任,闽江学院互联网创新研究院E-health研究中心主任,福建省人工智能学会常务理事,福州大学兼职硕导。2002年7月获福州大学计算机科学与技术专业工学学士学位;2006年3月获福州大学计算机系统结构专业工学硕士学位;2010年7月获南京理工大学计算机应用专业工学博士学位;2011.2-2011.8,作为研究助理赴香港理工大学进行合作研究;2014.7-2015.2,省委组织部选派赴美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校访学。2002.8至今,在闽江学院计算机与控制工程学院工作。近年来主要从事图像处理、模式识别、机器学习方面的研究,先后以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表论文20余篇,其中SCI论文14篇、EI论文11篇、核心期刊论文4篇;先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、省厅级项目10项,市级项目1项、校级项目2项;出版学术专著1部,合著书籍4部;授权国家发明专利4项。入选2013年度福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划、2015年度福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2015年入选闽江学院青年学者计划,荣获2013年度福州市教育系统先进工作者和2014年度福州市先进教育工作者称号。担任《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems》、《Applied Soft Computing》、《Pattern Recognition Letters》、《Digital Signal Processing》、《自动化学报》、《中国图象图形学报》等期刊的审稿人。
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