
Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:电子信息工程教研室主任

MORE> Recommended MA Supervisor
Language: 中文

Research Projects

车联网中基于压缩感知的车载视频压缩方案的设 计


Affiliation of Participant(s):计算机科学与数学学院

Leading Scientist:许雪林


Classification of Project:省教育厅

Type of Project:Application Research

Nature of Project:PROJECTNATURE_ID938672

Supported by:教育部科技项目

Project Participants:许雪林,汤龙梅,王璇,蔡文培,郭方,杨海燕,陈敏

Project Number:2684

Date of Project Approval:2014-09-01

Scheduled completion time:2016-08-30

Date of Project Completion:2019-12-30

Project Approval Number:闽教科[2014]39号

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