Back-analysis of a rainfall-induced landslide case history using deterministic and random limit equilibrium methods
Journal:Engineering Geology
Key Words:Case history ;Slope stability ;Monte Carlo simulation ; Performance level
Abstract:Because recurrent rainfall-induced landslide episodes mimic prior failures, this study builds a back-analysis approach to identify those prior failure events and assess the prospective slope performance going forward. Engineers use the results of this approach to project the slope performance based on the quantity of rainfall accumulation during the anticipated rainfall event. A landslide case that occurred in 2004, as a result of a typhoon event, was selected for the back-analysis procedure. Four typhon events were chosen to simulate the pore water pressure conditions, which may have caused d
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Type:J
ISSN No.:0013-7952
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-05-18
Included Journals:SCI
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