Paper Publications
- Mao Guojun,Duan Lijuan.Discovering Frequent Itemsequences With Temporal Constraints.[M].北京:roc. Of the 11th ISPE intl. Conf. Of Concurrent Engineering, Tsinghua Press& Springer, Edited by Michael Sobolewski & Jianzhong Cha,2004(2004.7,):271~278
- .Association Rule Mining Algorithms under Data Segmentation.Shenzhen, China:Chinese Association of Science and Technology Doctoral Academic Exchange Conference,2002(2002.11,深圳.)
- Mao Guojun,Yang Mingsheng.Research and Development of Multi-database System.[M].Shanghai, China:In: NCYCS’98,,1998
- Mao Guojun.Data Warehouse Technology and OLAP Application.[M].Beijing, P.R.China.:In:Capital Information Network Seminar '99,1999
- Yang Jingxin.An efficient DNA sequence mining algorithm based on location information.[J]:Computer Application and Software,2017,2017(6):1-8
- Mao Guojun,杨静欣(研究生).,谢松燕(研究生).PageRank model Improvement and Microblog User Impact Mining Algorithms.[J]:Computer Application and Software,2017,2017(34(5)):28-32
- Guojun Mao,Jie Zhang.Efficient Algorithms for Mining DNA Sequences.[M].USA, Las Vegas:DMIN2016, June,2016,2016
- Guojun Mao,Jie Zhang.A PageRank-based Mining Algorithm for User Influences on Micro-Blogs..[M].Chiayi, Taiwan:PACIS2016, Proceeding of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on InformationSystems ,,2016,2016(June 27-July 1,)
- Guojun Mao.An Efficient Mining Algorithm for Key Segment from DNA Sequences..[M].Halifax, Canada:CCECE2015, Proceeding of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,2015,2015(May 3-6):396-399
- Guojun Mao.Mining key event sequences to detect fraudulent users on the Web.[M]:The Intl. Conference on Advanced Management Science and Information(AMSIE2015),2015,2015-9 20-21, Hong Kong:619-626