Paper Publications
- Qiu Hongjun,Luo Chunyu,Mao Guojun.Application of Data Mining Technology in DNA Sequence Segmentation.[J].Sichuan Province, China:Computer Application and Research,2006(2006,23(6),):23~25.
- Lu Jie,You Chunmei,Mao Guojun.Research on Intrusion Detection Method Based on Host System Call.[J]:Computer Application and Software,2006(2006,23(11),):19~21
- Luo Chunyu,Qiu Hongjun,Mao Guojun.Application of Sequence Analysis Technology in DNA Sequence Mining.[J]:Computer System Application,2005(2005,12,):22~25
- Duan Lijuan,Mao Guojun,Bao Zhenshan.Multi-feature and Specific Type Image Filtering Method:Journal of Beijing University of Technology,2005(2005-7,31(4)):352-357
- Guojun Mao,Xu Liu。, Yue Sun, Gong Chen, Xingquan Zhu, Chunnian Liu,Xindong Wu.Online Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsequences from Data Streams.[R]:Technical Report CS-05-07,University of Vermont, USA,2004(38534)
- 毛国君,刘椿年..Discovering Maximal Frequent Itemsequences Based on Suboperators of Itemsequence Set and Data Partitioning.[J]:Acta Automatica Sinica,2004(2004,30(5):):772~777.
- Mao Guojun,Liu Chunnian.Mining algorithm for generating frequent item sequence sets by segmental scanning.[J]:Computer Engineering and Application,2004(2004,Vol.40,No.7:):19~22.
- Duan Lijuan,Mao Guojun.ImagMiner: A Data Mining prototype Based on Image Database.[M].北京:roc. Of the 11th OSPE intl. Conf. Of Concurrent Engineering,,2004(2004.7,):279~284
- You Chunmei,Mao Guojun.Intrusion Detection Model Based on Data Mining and Its Application.[J]:COMPUTER SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS,2004(2004 No.10.):38-41
- Duan Lijuan,Mao Guojun.Correlation Learning Method Based on Image Internal Semantic Model for CBIR..[M].Tokyo, Japan.:Springer/Pacific-rim Conf on Multimedia, 2004-12, PT 2, Lecture notes in Computer Science 3332.,2004(2004-12, PT 2):172-179